Meet Dr. Prasad

Dr. Bhanu Prasad is a consultant Nephrologist in Regina as part of the Saskatchewan Health Authority, and a Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine in the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. He is considered an international expert in the field of loin pain hematuria syndrome (LPHS) and receives requests from physicians all over the world requesting help and support with treatment in patients with LPHS.

He currently serves as the medical lead for the home therapies program in Regina. He is part of a dynamic group of Canadian Society of Nephrology Board of Directors. Apart from maintaining a heavy clinical practice, he is also engaged in clinical and biomedical research and collaborates with colleagues across Canada. He serves on the Communications and Engagement Committee, Canadian Nephrology Trials Network. He has a total of 66 publications including 7 in the field of LPHS specifically. Currently he is a co-author for UpToDate on LPHS.

Dr. Prasad's research interests include:

    • Catheter-Based Renal Denervation for Management of Loin Pain Hematuria Syndrome (LPHS) and Resistant Hypertension
  • Loin Pain Hematuria Syndrome (LPHS): Proteomics and Genomics Studies to Understand Pathophysiology in Search for Therapeutic Targets
  • Frailty in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease and Dialysis  
    • The Cost of Delivering Care in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Based on Risk of Progression.
  • Barriers to Home-Based Dialysis